
Advertising, an undergraduate major of School of Art and Communication in Qingdao Binhai University, was begun in 2007 and a complete teaching system has been established. It has a total of 185 graduates and 194 undergraduates.


Designer: advertising creation and design in advertising companies;

Medium planner: planning and promotion in medium enterprises;

Administrator: image designing, promotion and secretarial jobs in enterprises and public institutions.

Core Curriculum

1. Introduction to Communication

2. Advertising Psychology

3. Marketing

4. Market Research

5. Advertising Creation

6. Advertising Copy and Writing

7. Advertisement Planning

8. New-media Advertisements

9. Consuming Psychology and Behavioristics

10. Advertisement Operation and Brand Management


1. Lay stress on the introduction of basic advertising theories and knowledge;

2. Emphasize the training of students in terms of planning analysis, innovative thinking modes and teamwork awareness;

3. Focus on the cultivation of students for market analysis, consumer behavior analysis, planning, advertisement innovation, medium strategy making and implementing and so on.

Future Outlook

The past years have witnessed an unprecedented boom in the advertising industry and the number of advertising companies. Advertising employment and turnover maintains a growth momentum. However, the deficiency and inferiority of advertising employees cannot meet the needs of advertising companies in China, for few know about management and most of them just run companies on a small scale. Only when a large number of qualified advertising talents are available can Chinese advertising keep abreast with the world advertising development and accordingly, higher education institutions are supposed to set the advertising major and cultivate qualified talents.